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Friday, 10 June 2011

The wonder month!

Ever wonder about a wonder week?
Or perhaps a wonder month?

What is it?

Apparently it is a period of time wherein a babies development goes full steam and they reach great milestones and this can also be a time for crankiness, sleeplessness and all other tantrum-ey behaviours.

I didn't really think they were real. Until we hit the 7 month mark.

For the past few months (well the first 7 really) V has been just cruising along day by day not doing anything miraculous or amazing.
Just being a baby. Making small maybe-once-a-week discoveries but nothing outstanding or extraordinary.

Then suddenly BAM! Out of nowhere everything all at once. 2 days before 7 months he popped out his 3rd tooth. He already had the bottom front two, but in the past 3 weeks he's busted out a whole FOUR new top teeth.

Sooooo - he's been teething, big deal?!
Since that 7 month mark he's just generally come along in leaps and bounds. Development crazy.
*He's gone from waking 1-4 times a night to sleeping through the night for the past 3-4 weeks straight :)
*He's gone from laying around and wriggling a little around in circles - to commando crawling half way and then all the way across the room chasing toys/shoes/feet/dirty nappies or whatever he can see.
*He's gone from flat on his back, to FINALLY mastering the skill of rolling from back to belly.
(I never thought I'd see the day!)
*He's gone from blowing raspberries to blowing air and giving the most adorable sloppy kisses (and sometimes a kiss with a raspberry surprise!!).
*He's gone from tentatively sitting for seconds, to sitting by himself for minutes and shifting his weight around to reach things, and get down onto his tummy.
*He's gone from saying basically only ey-ooo (his version of hello) to a proper 'hello' and a myriad of new words like 'hey' 'hi' 'mum' 'dad' 'nan' 'nanny' 'bubba' 'mumma' 'daddy' 'Ash' (my mums cat named Asha) and his newest and cutest most adorable word 'meow' (which he said to Asha when she came over to say hi to him).
And just yesterday he waved goodbye!! :)

awwwwwwwwww my heart is almost bursting with pride. the things they learn and the amount they grow and change. It is so hard to keep up. I take as many photos and videos as I can to record the constantly changing being that he is. Now I just have to take time out to catalog them on the computer in order and all that so I know what is what..

I wonder if it is a wonder month? Or if it just all clicked at once.

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